Friday 13 May 2011

Quick Catch Up: WaSOP.Part 1

I've been meaning to finish these articles so let's go. The next few blogs are a few catch up blogs that I should've done ages ago but decide to do now since I have the free time.

March was one of the maddest times of my poker game. I began playing 50p/1quid cash games at G casino in Blackpool after realising I can crush this so easily by running good. (Up about 1.2k over the month). But it was also me coming back to my old uni and visiting old friends again.

But anyway, Warwick's taught me a lot of things. Probably more on poker and less about my degree really. But saying hi again to all my degenerate friends was a nice thing to do. That and playing the annual Warwick Series of Poker. Noticably cut down this year on numbers but didn't really stop me.

Friday, I decide to play the Omaha. Nothing special. I reship AAQT double suited into KKxx with her spades covered. Flops a king for a set. sigh.

Saturday was Main Event day. Going to isle brought back a few memories of my sick blackjack run and also my 2 year streak of never making day 2. This year however, we flip things round and I go on the WORST ever blackjack run (which i thought was never possible) and somehow made day 2 as chip leader!

I probably had a feeling things were going my way when I 3-bet Janiner (PS I hate the person who made this hand the best hand in poker...) and managed to bluff everyone off on the river. Was worth a laugh at least.

From starting stack of 10k, I span up to 24k from knocking out Rob Cockerill, who decides to check/raise into me when I had the nuts on the turn. So that's a small thanks to him.

Went up to 35k without much effort and making nice calls and good folds aginst players. Also failed to make Chris Payne fold AQ on a draw heavy board. and quite standardly decides to shout 'BOOM' as he realises it's good.

Bout 4 hours in I got up to 60k from a huge hand when I wake up with AA UTG, and Matt Curtis, another Warwick mate of mine, has 88s but we get set-over-set after I decide to make the most unusual play with the nuts on the board.

During the day, I noticed people were trying to bluff into me more. either becuase i was the chip leader or playing against some bad players. Probably a mixture of both reasons. But I ended up chip leader, ending the day with 70k. Didn't seem so bad :)

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