Friday 30 September 2011

I want to be an EPT Blogger Because...

I want to be an EPT guest blogger because….

Although the buy-in for this event is exactly the same figure as my bank account (bar the minus sign), I’m always intrigued at everyone’s style of play. Particularly what the pros do. It’s easy to play properly but when you get a bunch of good players on the table (along with a couple of bad ones…) you get to see their thinking processes and how they react (as well as seeing the bad players donk off their chips to them or run bloody good!). I want to learn how they thought about the hands (and even know how the bad players donked off their chips, even if all they say was ‘I had a hunch’) I may not be able to buy-in directly unless Daniel Negreanu is nice enough to lend me £5k (if he’s reading this, can you lend me £5k?) but blogging at the tables would be the next best thing.

Let’s face it, if you’re going to interview a pro, it would be fun to ask David Vamplew ‘How much did you lose?’ straight after winning £900k from EPT London just to see how they’d react. But it’s not as fun unless you ask him directly at his face. I also want to ask many questions to the poker professionals. Such as asking Vicky Coren if winning an EPT is a direct route into the Have I Got News For You panellist and also asking the Professor WHEN WILL I GET MY MONEY BACK?!!

I attended EPT London last year actually, I passed by Edgware Road and got to the hotel but stopped right at the cashier when I found out they don’t take play money chips as currency! Obviously, security escorts me out. But I did see Jesse May along the way and if he wasn’t on the phone to someone, would’ve done a brilliant commentary of my noble walk out to the rail. (By rail, I mean railway station… they wouldn’t let me in to the tables either). If I’m a blogger this year, I’ll have my excuse to being there at a discounted rate!

So pick me and I’m sure it’ll be a fun day for everyone as well as me. I’m already preparing my questions to ask Liv Boeree already!